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Senin, 06 Januari 2014

hi ^^ i'm back

immediately, i will post new review about beauty product,. please be patient for a while,.
because i will not post so soon as your imagine,. but i promised,. as soon as i can.
sorry for long absent from me
se you beauty lovers


Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Review :Aloha Darling Lip Tint - Real Orange


 hii girls udah lama gak ngeblog nih
untuk kali ini ku pututskan untuk mereview Aloha Darling Lip Tint in `Real Orange
sebenernya lip tint ini sudah ku beli lama.., sekitar 4-5bulan yg lalu., tapi belum dipakai karena masih pakai yang  liptint yang lama. 
atas  aloha real orange, bawah aloha blue hawai red
sekarang back to the topic hehe..
sekarang aku lagi nyoba liptint yang lain selain dari lovely me:ex face shop kuu, bukan karena kurang bagus (sebenernya udah oke banget) tapi kalau belum menjajal yang lain itu sepertinya ada yang kurang hehe..
lip tint etude Aloha Darling milik ku berwarna orange., kemarin itu aku beli PO. lama nunggunya sampai sebulan ,.
ini sedikit swatchnya kuambil dari internet

lip tint series aloha ini sebenarnya untuk summer time sepertinya., warnanya fresh bgt, aku suka sebenernya., 

sebenarnya warnanya gak terlalu orange seperti series etude yang dear darling tint neon 
kalau yang aloha ini menurutku lebih natural. kurang lebih seperti yang digambar ini
untuk texture nya sendiri liptint ini bertexture gel., kalau di liptint ku yang sebelumnya dari face shop kan berbentuk cair, dan aku sering takut kalau-kalau akan tumpah., nah yang ini tidak akan tumpah karena bentuknya gel. 
aloha lip tint ini memiliki aplikator seperti pada umunya., dan aplikatornya cukup lembut. ku beli  lip tint ini seharga $6 (Rp55.000) di online shop., kalau harga counter sih lumayan mahal, kalau tidak salah sekitar Rp.95.000 (@usd 9.500/Rupiah.) 

oke langsung ke Pros and contra aja yah..

+  cute package, i like it
+  cheap enough  form me
+  not hard to get (it's available in store-in more high price hehe LOL)
+  it's had more better staying color than my face shop lip tint

-  it's dry my lips (not like my face shop-not moisturized but not make my lips dry too) 
-  i think the case it's little fragile, sometimes, it's like the cap wanna apart by them self, even when i not carry this lip tint on my bag (dunno if i had carry in my bag., maybe it's will spill of and littering my bag) :(
-  i still don't think these contain more natural ingredients than my face shop lip tint.
-  some how these lip tint it's not too visible on my lips., maybe it's because my lips too dark., (i'm so sad for that) so i must apply little more much

+/- the gel texture like what i said (+) it's not will spill of from the container easily BUT this gel texture (-) it's also makes me hard to apply lip tint to my lips (once again i more like my Face Shop Lip tint, in Aqua texture).

note : however when i bought the another lip tint from tony moly(who's it's had more riches color than my another lip tint, i think that etude aloha lip tint gel texture it's more better and tolerable)
i will review the tony moly tip tint in another time.

My First BB Cream-The Face Shop's Lovely Me:Ex BB Cream


The TheFaceShop Lovely Me:ex is brightens and smoothes out skin imperfections. It has SPF20 PA++ sun protection and features natural ingredients like tea tree, rosemary and chamomille extracts.

hii dear these is my first BB Cream., Why i bought these one not other brand or another series which is  more famous than these one?
because some how i had good expectation from faceshop better than other brand (dunno how)
moreover no one in my country i think ever review these product, so why not i will try these one haha.., LOL.,

another blogger from other country said that these BBC it's good enough for newbie (like me i guess) hehe.,
i ever used BBC from Maybelline but it's make me BREAKOUT - it's make me little pessimist to try another BBC, but., every i ready other beauty blogger review some BBC it's poisoned me mo try., to give ether chance to BBC FROM KOREAN BRAND (maybe these time will be difference ) LOL.., 

i had read the ingredients for these BBC and i really interested whit these one., i bought in The Face Shop Counter Around $10 (@Rp100.000). for 40ml in plastic tube

packaging it's just simple which is i like :D came in soft calm light purple tuber., very simple., 
oh yeah these BBC just came in on Shade color only so i think it's just for light skin tone only :(
i'm had not to light skin, it's more yellowish than clear light skin tone., hmm but anyway the shade of these BBC it's still suitable and tolerable  in my skin.,,


pross : 
+  i like the light texture (like i wearing nothing)
+  has SPF 20PA++
+  it's contain  tea tree oil (to calm my skin dunno how, tea tree oil it's the best natural ingredients that suitable for my skin and calm my redness)and not much BBC contain tea tree oil i guess
+  has little whitening effect :)
+  i had no irritation when i used these BBC.
+  it's cheap and big enough (another BBC just came in 30ml, but these one came in 40ml!!!! big enough haha LOL) 
+  suitable for newbie like me., 

cons : 
-  i get oily in 3 hour (even after i set my BBC with my Buckwheat Loose Powder # 23 Natural Beige)., i had very-very oily skin but i think get shiny face just in 3hour, it's make these BBChad very bad oil control.
-  just came in one shade (light and little grayish) not suitable for more dark skin :( soo if i get more tan i cannot used these BBC anymore, except i wanna look like geisha from japan LOL .,, 

Review : Maybelline Clear Smooth 8-in-1 BB Cream

Maybelline Clear Smooth 8-in-1 BB Cream

hiii., aku mau post mengenai BBCream lokal pertama yang ku punya., 
bbCream ini harganya cukup terjangkau dibandingkan dengan produk korea harganya sekitar Rp50.000,- / $5 (@Rp9.500,-)

BBcream ini sebenarnya sudah ku beli sejak lama., tapi agak malas meriviewnya karena sudah tidak kupakai lagi., tapi dihibahkan ke mama hehe..
kenapa ? karena BBC ini bikin aku break out banyak banget

Textur nya creamy., cukup mudah diblend warnanya lama-lama mengikuti warna asli kulit., sama seperti BBC yang lainnya.

ku beli sewaktu lagi ada promo di Mal, jadi dapat discount 20% (lumayan hehe)

ini shade warnanya., pertama-tama terlihat agak putih lalu lama-lama berubah jadi sewarna kulit.,,

setelaj di aplikasikan
* diatas tampa BBC

* dibawah dengan BBC maybelline

*kuberi garis biar terlihat perbedaannya., 

hasilnnya agak glow., coveragenya medium menurutku., karena bisa menutupi redness, scar  ku., 

lalu kucoba siram BBC maybelline dengan air., sepertinya BBC maybelline ini waterproof ya??

oke sekarang tentang PRo dan Kontranya :

+  it's cheap as a local brand can be.
+  has SPF 26
+  shade it's suitable for asia skin tone
+  makes my pore disappears., 

-  it's Clog my pore (in package they said it's won't clog pores)!!!!!
- makes me breakout~ A LOT
- oil control it poor., just for 2-3hour in my face

Repurchases : NEVER!!!

thanks for reading my blog

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

time to Play : Now, it's time for me to play 'This or That' Tag

'This or That' Tag 
before we started I would like to say thank u to baladapenulisamatir.blogspot.com who tagged me to play

Blush or Bronzer ? I like Bronzer, but peach blush it's ok
Lipgloss or Lipstick ? Lipstick
Chapstick or Lipbalm ? Chapstick
Matte or Sparkle Eyeshadow ? Matte, but little shimmer it's ok
Gel, Liquid, Cream or Pencil Eyeliner ? Gel
Foundation or Concealer ? Concealer
Neutral or Statement eyes ? Neutral 
Liquid or Powder Foundation ?
Powder Foundation, I get breakout from liquid foundation
Winged or Rimmed Eyeliner ? Winged
Pressed or Loose Shadows ? Pressed

Neon, Pastels or Glitter Nail ? Pastel
Long or Short ? Short (can i choose medium)
Acrylic or Natural ? Natural
Matte or Shiny ? Shiny
Go for Manicure or Manicure yourself ? Manicure myself

Perfume or Body Splash ? Perfume
Lotion or Body Butter ? Body Butter
Body Wash or Soap ? Body wash 
Fruity or Flowery scents ?
Flowery, I don’t like fruity scents on my body coz makes me feel Sticky
* it’s just my imagination i tought
Natural or Synthetic products ? as Natural as I can achieve

Jeans or Sweat Pants ? Jeans
Long sleeve or Short ? Long
Dresses or Skirts ? Dresses
Stripes or Plaid ? Plaid
Tunics or T-shirt ? T-shirt
Flip Flop or Sandal ? Flip Flop
Scarves or Hats ? Scarves
Studs or Dangling Earrings ? Studs Earrings :)
Necklace or Bracelets ? Necklace
Heels or Flats ? Flats
Jacket or Hoodie ? Hoodie
Curly or Straight ? Straight
Bun or Ponytail ? Ponytail
Bobby pins or butterfly clips ? Butterfly Clips
Hair spray or Gel ? Hair Spray
Long or Short ? Long
Side Sweep Bangs or Full Bangs ? Side Sweep Bangs
Rain or Shine ? Shine
Summer or Winter ? Summer
Chocolate or Vanilla ? Absolutely Chocolate
Pool or Beach ?
Pool for swimming and beautiful  beach for holiday, can i pick a both??
Mall or Online Shopping ? Mall
Coke or Pepsi ? None - i more like orange juice
Donuts or Pastry ? Pastry
 Well, those are quite fun questions :)

I would like to tag this game to my blogger fellow:
Others who want to join this game are welcome^^ Just tell me if u'd like to play
I'll be happy to read ur answers^^

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Choco Baby Shop: Baju Bayi / Baby Clothes

silahkan diklik untuk yang punya baby atau sedang berencana membeli perlengkapan baby
saya rekomended blog ini karena chocobabyshop menjual produk2 dengan kualitas oke, harga pantas
chocobabyshop juga menyediakan berbagai paket menarik juga promo2 yang bagus bgt menurut saya
juga tersedia tips2 menarik seputar ibu,dan bayi juga untuk bumil, untuk
khusus penjualan di Indonesia saja ya sista...

Senin, 17 September 2012

Bahan-bahan Kosmetik yang Aman Bagi Kulit Berminyak

Untuk memilih perawatan kulit yang aman, carilah produk yang mengandung bahan-bahan berikut ini  :

Tea Tree Oil

MEMILIKI kulit berminyak rentan terkena serangan jerawat. Untuk merawatnya diperlukan produk kosmetik yang sesuai bagi jenis kulit.
Untuk memilih perawatan kulit yang aman, carilah produk yang mengandung bahan-bahan berikut ini.

1. Tea tree oil 
Tea tree oil ialah antiseptik alamiah, terbuat dari daun teh yang berasal dari Australia. Minyak esensial ini amat membantu dalam perawatan kulit berminyak karena menurunkan kadar minyak di kulit serta membunuh bakteri penyebab jerawat.

2. Salicylic acid 
Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid ialah sejenis Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) yang merawat kulit berminyak dengan cara membuka pori-pori yang tersumbat dan menetralisir bakteri. Bahan yang satu ini berasal dari pohon willow dan dikenal mampu mengatasi komedo dengan cara mengupas lapisan terluar kulit.
Salah satu sumber Salicylic Acid alami : buah Berry

Salah Satu Sumber Alami untuk Glycolic Acid
3. Glycolic acid 
Glycolic acid adalah bagian dari Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan produk kosmetik khusus kulit berminyak. Fungsinya untuk membantu pembentukan tekstur kulit dan tampilan kulit secara keseluruhan. Glycolic acid terbuat dari sari air tebu.

Hyaluronic acid
4. Hyaluronic acid 
Kulit berminyak bukan berarti harus dibuat sekering mungkin. Anda hanya perlu mengontrol kadar minyaknya, karena kulit memerlukan minyak alami sebagai pelembab. Hyaluronic acid berfungsi menyeimbangkan kadar minyak dalam kulit, serta mengurangi kerut-kerut dan tanda penuaan.

5. Benzoyl peroxide
Bahan ini banyak digunakan di produk kosmetik dan perawatan kulit berjerawat. Benzoyl peroxide bekerja dengan cara membunuh bakteri, menyembuhkan jerawat dan mencegah jerawat datang kembali.http://www.natural-alternative-therapies.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/natural-remedies-for-acne.jpg
