Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)
watch these trailer :D link for trailer
film ini berdasarkan dari sebuah novel terkenal yang dibuat oleh sheila Burnford
When a mother of three remarries, the new step-father’s job forces him to temporarily separate his new stepchildren from their beloved pets. A degree of resentment festers in the mind of the oldest son as a result. That resentment boils to the surface when the pets run away from the family friend who is temporarily caring for them. Unknown to the humans, the unlikely trio of domesticated beasts (a wise old golden retriever, youthful bulldog, and always sarcastic Siamese cat) are struggling against many natural obstacles, including a bear, a waterfall, a mountain lion, porcupine, etc., in an all out attempt to cross the mountain range that separates them from their beloved owners.
While the story is humorous throughout, it includes a hefty dose of sarcasm, plus enough tension that it may be too scary for some preschool-aged children. (If necessary during the part where “Sassy” the cat is swept over a waterfall and assumed drowned, reassure your youngster that she is only hurt and will get better and rejoin her friends soon.)
After effecting the rescue of a lost little girl, Shadow, Chance, and Sassy are taken to an animal shelter, and their owners are called. A happy reunion seems immanent, but is missed when Chance—who was once an inmate of a dog pound—convinces his friends that they are all going to be killed unless they immediately escape.
More challenges face the trio, but they are eventually reunited with their humans in a touching final scene. (If you do view this video, be sure to point out to your children that the sarcasm and crass words are inappropriate.)
Year of Release—1993
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight™ reviews are those of the reviewers themselves (both ratings and recommendations), and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Films for Christ® or its Christian Answers® Network™.
ini sekuel satu-nya |
karena rating bagus dibuat sekuel 2, "pig in the city" |
masih inget bgt waktu istri dari pemilik peternakan ingin memasak si Babe haha.. |
pertama nonton tuh gak menarik.,, tapi sewaktu ditonton lama2 jadi terbawa alur cerita yang lucu dan mengahrukan.,, dari babi yang cuma akan dijadikan santapan makan malam.,, malah sewaktu lahir tidak diinginkan, dan jadi anak babi terakhir sepertinya yang dibeli, atau malah dikasih gratis ya.,, haha udah agak lupa.,,
hidup dipeternakan dengan keluguannya yang ditakut-takuti oleh seekor angsa yang mencoba menjadi seekor ayam jantan karena takut dimasak(dalam otak si bebek tersebut memberikan sugesti negatif terhada si Babe yaitu : setiap hewan di dlm peternakan ada gunanya, anjing u/ menggembalakan domba., domba u/ diambil bulunya., ayam betina diambil telurnya.,, seekor kucing yg agak sombong u/disayang2 dan menangkap tikus, babi untuk diambil dagingnya dan bebek jantan (dirinya sendiri) jg untuk dimasak)) haha.,,
lucu memang tapi memang benar.,, dan u/ bertahan hidup agar tidak dimansak babe harus melakukan sesuatu yang berguna, melebihi tujuan utamanya dipelihara di peternakan itu (u/ diambil dagingnya)
dan setelah hidup galau beberapa lama, akhirnya si babe menemukan panggilan jiwanya untuk menjadi seperti anjing penggembala domba..,,
disini ceritanya menyiratkan apapun mungkin u/ dilakukan asalakan kita tekun, dan tidak berhenti berusaha.,,
saat babe diberitahukan kode rahasia domba |
akhirnya setelah membujuk dan mengatakan kalau sampai babe gagal dan mempermalukan pemilik peternakan.,, maka dia akan berakhir di meja makan.,, para domba bersedia membantu.,,
disini akhirnya dengan suatu kode rahasia universal yang dipatuhi semua domba di seluruh dunia, babe berhasil menjadi penggembala domba dg nilai sempurna tanpa cacat!! dg nilai 10.,,
[padahal sebelum pertandingan pemilik petertakan dan babi habis-habisan di bully semua penonton dan peserta lainnya.,, juga istri pemilik peternakan yang pingsan sewaktu melihat suaminya membawa babi kelomba menggembalakan domba.,, dia juga sgt malu dg teman2nya.,}kasihan sih hahaha...
realy good story
Academy Award winner and Best Picture nominee, Babe is the inspirational story of a shy Yorkshire piglet who doesn't quite know his place in the world. But when Farmer Hoggett (James Cromwell) wins him at the county fair, Babe discovers that he can be anything he wants to be - even an award-winning sheepdog! With the help of a delightful assortment of barnyard friends, the heroic little pig is headed for the challenge of his life in this endearing and fun-filled tale the whole family will love.
ini waktu babi lg ditimbang-timbang u/ dibeli (u/ dimakan pastinya)haha.. the last pig on the box |
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